Presented By: Herbarium
CANCELED: EEB Museums Friday Seminar - Negotiating Academic/Tribal Research Agendas Involving Plants, Properties, and a Sustainable Future: UM as an emerging case of national significance
David Michener - Curator, UM Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichols Arboretum
The diverse ‘museum and museum-like’ collections of Tier 1 Research Universities, as those at RMC and the Matthaei-Nichols, have pivotal roles in the emerging protocols of Tribally-engaged research outside the biomedical sciences. At UM, in addition to each unit’s intellectual and disciplinary agendas, our Tribal engagements profoundly influence other core functions of the university: from undergraduate recruitment to donor and foundation relationships. Based on more than 15 years of relationship-building, Michener has developed UM Matthaei-Nichols as a key partner in broadening and refocusing plant- and environmental justice-centered research relationships with Michigan’s Tribal partners. The ways forward include deepening engagement with the research divisions at RMC. By mutual agreement with Tribal partners, little of this work has been discussed in public venues until recently. Today’s talk will focus on specific Tribally-engaged research activities at the Matthaei-Nichols, their immediate objectives, and the anticipated impacts for all partners.
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