Presented By: Aerospace Engineering
Chair's Distinguished Seminar: "Dynamical Systems Approaches to Space Traffic Management and Situational Awareness"
Prof. Aaron J. Rosengren, University of Arizona

Prof. Aaron Rosengren
Earth satellite orbits can possess an extraordinarily rich spectrum of dynamical behaviors, from stable resonant configurations to significant chaotic drifts in circumterrestrial phase space throughout their orbital lifetimes. This talk will review these intriguing phenomena and highlight their deeper connections with current aspects of space sustainability, space traffic management, and space situational awareness. One particularly compelling ideology is based on the judicious use of the resulting instabilities to prescribe natural Earth re-entry itineraries to remedy the space debris problem or to navigate the phase space. In this seminar, I will review recent theoretical and numerical investigations on the orbital dynamics of resident space objects, and show how resonances can profoundly affect the behavior of these bodies, in both dissipative and Hamiltonian settings.
This work ties together observation, theory, and simulation, and fosters connections between fields apparently quite different in character and emphasis. I will specifically note its cross-cutting nature and relevance to planetary science, applied dynamical systems theory, planned and proposed spacecraft missions, and satellite constellation design and control.
About the Speaker...
Aaron J. Rosengren is an Assistant Professor in the College of Engineering at the University of Arizona and Affiliate Member of the Interdisciplinary Program in Applied Mathematics, specializing in astrodynamics-based space situational awareness. Prior to joining UA and the SSA-Arizona Initiative in 2017, he spent one year at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece working in the Department of Physics, as part of the European Union H2020 Project ReDSHIFT. He has also served as a member of the EU Asteroid and Space Debris Network, Stardust, working for two years at the Institute of Applied Physics Nello Carrara of the Italian National Research Council. He has authored or co-authored around 20 peer-reviewed journal publications and 60 conference papers and abstracts, reporting research in space situational awareness, orbital debris, celestial mechanics, and planetary science.
Earth satellite orbits can possess an extraordinarily rich spectrum of dynamical behaviors, from stable resonant configurations to significant chaotic drifts in circumterrestrial phase space throughout their orbital lifetimes. This talk will review these intriguing phenomena and highlight their deeper connections with current aspects of space sustainability, space traffic management, and space situational awareness. One particularly compelling ideology is based on the judicious use of the resulting instabilities to prescribe natural Earth re-entry itineraries to remedy the space debris problem or to navigate the phase space. In this seminar, I will review recent theoretical and numerical investigations on the orbital dynamics of resident space objects, and show how resonances can profoundly affect the behavior of these bodies, in both dissipative and Hamiltonian settings.
This work ties together observation, theory, and simulation, and fosters connections between fields apparently quite different in character and emphasis. I will specifically note its cross-cutting nature and relevance to planetary science, applied dynamical systems theory, planned and proposed spacecraft missions, and satellite constellation design and control.
About the Speaker...
Aaron J. Rosengren is an Assistant Professor in the College of Engineering at the University of Arizona and Affiliate Member of the Interdisciplinary Program in Applied Mathematics, specializing in astrodynamics-based space situational awareness. Prior to joining UA and the SSA-Arizona Initiative in 2017, he spent one year at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece working in the Department of Physics, as part of the European Union H2020 Project ReDSHIFT. He has also served as a member of the EU Asteroid and Space Debris Network, Stardust, working for two years at the Institute of Applied Physics Nello Carrara of the Italian National Research Council. He has authored or co-authored around 20 peer-reviewed journal publications and 60 conference papers and abstracts, reporting research in space situational awareness, orbital debris, celestial mechanics, and planetary science.