Presented By: School of Social Work, Community Action Social Change Undergraduate Minor
So Cool So Just
Social Justice Organization Fair 2020
The So Cool So Just (SCSJ) Organization Fair is hosted by the Community Action and Social Change (CASC) Undergraduate Minor and the Ginsberg Center. Since 2012, the fair has created space for organizations to connect with students seeking opportunities to get involved on campus, build community with other social justice organizations, and share activities and programs related to social change.
This year, we are planning a virtual fair, where registered organizations will host a drop-in informational. Details on how to participate will be provided during the month of August. If you have questions, email for information.
If you are interested in tabling or attending this program, visit the RSVP linked in this announcement.
The virtual zoom link will be provided in September, prior to the event.
This year, we are planning a virtual fair, where registered organizations will host a drop-in informational. Details on how to participate will be provided during the month of August. If you have questions, email for information.
If you are interested in tabling or attending this program, visit the RSVP linked in this announcement.
The virtual zoom link will be provided in September, prior to the event.
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