Presented By: Michigan Union Ticket Office (MUTO)
David Berkeley - Ark Family Room Series
Presented by The Ark

Singer-songwriter David Berkeley has been compared to both Cat and Sufjian Stevens as well as a host of other literate songwriters and he comes to the Ark Family Room with his most intimate and poignant release yet, Oh Quiet World, written during the lockdown after his family escaped Spain due to Corona. “I wrote a song a day that first week back,” Berkeley explains. “Songwriting gave me a way to process my fears and frustrations. It gave me a purpose, something small I could contribute.” David Berkeley’s gift as a songwriter and storyteller is that he sees both the tragedy and comedy in life, managing to both reveal the sorrow and the blazing beauty at the heart of the human condition. It’s a duality that audiences experience at all of Berkeley’s shows as well, as he tells uproarious stories between cathartic songs.