Presented By: Multi Ethnic Student Affairs - MESA
A History of Native American Activism and Policy
Heather Bruegl

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From the very beginning the United States has dealt with Native Americans with a series of policies and treaties. Most of the policies were aimed at assimilation. For many years Native Americans were forced to live by standards set by the United States. But with the formation of the American Indian Movement, they started to fight back. Learn about the beginnings of the American Indian Movement and the organized protests that they led including the Occupation of Alcatraz and Wounded Knee. And also learn how the activism of the 1960's lives on today and how we are dealing with issues in the Native community today.
Heather Bruegl, a member of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, is a graduate of Madonna University in Michigan and holds a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in U.S. History. Inspired by a trip to Wounded Knee, South Dakota, a passion for Native American History was born.
From the very beginning the United States has dealt with Native Americans with a series of policies and treaties. Most of the policies were aimed at assimilation. For many years Native Americans were forced to live by standards set by the United States. But with the formation of the American Indian Movement, they started to fight back. Learn about the beginnings of the American Indian Movement and the organized protests that they led including the Occupation of Alcatraz and Wounded Knee. And also learn how the activism of the 1960's lives on today and how we are dealing with issues in the Native community today.
Heather Bruegl, a member of the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, is a graduate of Madonna University in Michigan and holds a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in U.S. History. Inspired by a trip to Wounded Knee, South Dakota, a passion for Native American History was born.
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