Presented By: Department of Physics
HEP-Astro Seminar | New Perspectives on Segmented Crystal Calorimeters for Future e+e- Higgs Factories
Marco Lucchini (Princeton University)
Please contact Beth Demkowski, for Zoom link.
Crystal calorimeters have a long history of pushing the frontier on high-resolution electromagnetic (EM) calorimetry for photons and electrons and exploiting the technological advancements in the field can represent an excellent tool to tackle the challenge of precision physics at future e+e- Higgs factories.
I will discuss in this seminar major innovations in collider detector performance that can be achieved with crystal calorimetry when longitudinal segmentation and dual-readout capabilities are combined with a new high EM resolution approach to Particle Flow in multi-jet events, such as e+e+→HZ events in all-hadronic final-states at Higgs factories. In particular, I will discuss a new technique for pre-processing π0 momenta through combinatoric di-photon pairing in advance of applying jet algorithms which significantly reduces π0 photon splitting across jets in multi-jet events and lead to an improvement of the correct photon-to-jet assignment efficiency by a factor of about 3 when the EM resolution is improved from 15 to 3%/√E.
I will then present the design and optimization of a highly segmented crystal detector concept that achieves the required energy resolution of 3%/√E, and a time resolution better than 30 ps providing exceptional particle identification capabilities and discuss how the implementation of dual-readout on crystals permits to achieve a resolution better than 30%/√E for neutral hadrons. The cost-effective design presented demonstrates how the integration of crystal calorimetry into future Higgs factory collider detectors can open new perspectives by yielding the highest level of combined EM and neutral hadron resolution in the PFA paradigm.
Crystal calorimeters have a long history of pushing the frontier on high-resolution electromagnetic (EM) calorimetry for photons and electrons and exploiting the technological advancements in the field can represent an excellent tool to tackle the challenge of precision physics at future e+e- Higgs factories.
I will discuss in this seminar major innovations in collider detector performance that can be achieved with crystal calorimetry when longitudinal segmentation and dual-readout capabilities are combined with a new high EM resolution approach to Particle Flow in multi-jet events, such as e+e+→HZ events in all-hadronic final-states at Higgs factories. In particular, I will discuss a new technique for pre-processing π0 momenta through combinatoric di-photon pairing in advance of applying jet algorithms which significantly reduces π0 photon splitting across jets in multi-jet events and lead to an improvement of the correct photon-to-jet assignment efficiency by a factor of about 3 when the EM resolution is improved from 15 to 3%/√E.
I will then present the design and optimization of a highly segmented crystal detector concept that achieves the required energy resolution of 3%/√E, and a time resolution better than 30 ps providing exceptional particle identification capabilities and discuss how the implementation of dual-readout on crystals permits to achieve a resolution better than 30%/√E for neutral hadrons. The cost-effective design presented demonstrates how the integration of crystal calorimetry into future Higgs factory collider detectors can open new perspectives by yielding the highest level of combined EM and neutral hadron resolution in the PFA paradigm.
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