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Presented By: Slavic Languages & Literatures

Russian Conversation Club

КРЯ - Клуб Русского Языка

Клуб Русского Языка Клуб Русского Языка
Клуб Русского Языка
Do you study Russian and want more opportunities to develop your speaking skills in a welcoming and low-stakes environment? Are you looking for an opportunity to socialize with your peers and bond over the difficulties of learning a foreign language? Would you like to learn more about the culture of one of the most politically important and fascinating regions of the world with the coolest undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Michigan?

If the answer to any or all of the above questions is "yes", then you should check out the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures weekly Russian conversation club (called КРЯ - Клуб Русского Языка)! Every Friday at 11:00, we convene for lighthearted discussion of ourselves, our language studies, and of course, the culture of the Russophone world. Regular attendance is not mandatory - you can drop in and out as you wish, and club participants are always willing to help each other out with questions about the language during our discussions. We meet in two groups, the first aimed at first-year students or any who are beginning their language study, and the second targeted towards students who have studied the language for at least a year. Participants are also encouraged to join our discord server, where we post weekly meeting announcements and other Russian-language related content.

Introductory Group Meeting Link:

Advanced Group Meeting Link:

Link to join our discord:

We hope to see you there!
Клуб Русского Языка Клуб Русского Языка
Клуб Русского Языка

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