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Presented By: University Career Center

Yelping From Home: The Tech Talk Series

Talk: Modern Python Async Programming

Asynchronous programming can help scale web services to thousands of simultaneous users while avoiding much of the complexity of multi-threaded code. Async code brings its own challenges, but a number of developments in the Python language and open-source ecosystem mean that building async web services and clients is now easier than ever.

In this talk, we'll look at how the Python ecosystem around asynchronous programming has evolved over time, some of the latest tools, and where development may be headed in the future.

Jamie Hewland, London

Bio: Jamie is a software engineer on the Streaming Platform team where he helps build and run the streaming data infrastructure that powers many Yelp features. Before Yelp, Jamie worked asan SRE and backend engineer for around five years in his home country of South Africa. He has given talks at PyConZA, ScaleConf, and KubeCon. Having moved to London earlier this year, you’ll often find him running orcycling along Regent’s Canal or tending to his growing collection of house plants.

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