Presented By: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (50+)
"Cuba and Venezuela: Contemporary Crises"
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Under Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro both countries formed a formidable alliance that was economic, political, and military. It particularly involved Cuba sending around 35,000 doctors to work in Venezuela in exchange for Venezuela sending around 90,000 barrels of oil a day. Both countries are now in a deep-seated state of crisis. This lecture explores the sources of the crises in both countries and their ongoing alliance. Silvia Pedraza leads this course on Wednesday December 1 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Preregistration is required via the OLLI website or phone. A link to access the study group will be e-mailed prior to the first session.
Livestream Information
LivestreamDecember 1, 2021 (Wednesday) 10:00am
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