Presented By: Department of Psychology
Psychology Methods Hour: What is preregistering a study, and how do I do it for my type of study?
Dr. Pam Davis-Kean, Professor of Psychology
In this talk, Dr. Davis-Kean will discuss the goal of preregistration and why it is a useful tool for documenting the process of how you construct a paper from theory or research question to findings and discussion. She will also review different types of preregistration templates that are available for various types of studies. During the presentation and discussion, she will also overview the pros and cons of preregistration as well as how they differ from Registered Reports. The goal of this presentation is to provide information on these techniques and answer questions or concerns for those using them. Ultimately, these techniques were designed to help increase the rigor and transparency of our research so that we can increase the confidence in the robustness of our findings.
In this talk, Dr. Davis-Kean will discuss the goal of preregistration and why it is a useful tool for documenting the process of how you construct a paper from theory or research question to findings and discussion. She will also review different types of preregistration templates that are available for various types of studies. During the presentation and discussion, she will also overview the pros and cons of preregistration as well as how they differ from Registered Reports. The goal of this presentation is to provide information on these techniques and answer questions or concerns for those using them. Ultimately, these techniques were designed to help increase the rigor and transparency of our research so that we can increase the confidence in the robustness of our findings.
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