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Presented By: Center for South Asian Studies

CSAS Transnational Conference | In and Out of South Asia: Race, Capitalism, and Mobility

Multiple Speakers

CSAS Transnational Conference | In and Out of South Asia: Race, Capitalism, and Mobility CSAS Transnational Conference | In and Out of South Asia: Race, Capitalism, and Mobility
CSAS Transnational Conference | In and Out of South Asia: Race, Capitalism, and Mobility
For full conference details see:

How do ethnic, caste, and racial hierarchies in South Asia interact with those elsewhere as people, ideas, and goods move in and out? How are flows and networks of capital reconfigured within existing and new hierarchies of im/mobility? How might a focus on things/people/ideas that move “in and out” help us conceptualize new ways of imagining and engaging South Asia?

Register for this Zoom event here:

These questions urge us to consider mobility and immobility anew. Global pandemics, surveillance regimes, and border fences engender old and new forms of captivity and incarceration throughout South Asia. At the same time analytical and conceptual frames for studying the region have sought to break out of the gilded cage of methodological nationalism and embrace regional and transregional spatial units, such as the recent turn towards Inter Asia, Africa-Asia, and the Indian Ocean. A rich and productive scholarship has emerged from this transregional turn, providing new vocabularies for understanding polity, economy, and sociality in South Asia and beyond.

This conference brings together a set of scholars and practitioners who are thinking across scale and time to explore the particular tension between mobility and immobility in shaping conceptual and methodological itineraries in and out of South Asia. Participants explore the histories and futures of race, caste, and capitalism in South Asia and beyond.

Conference Format:

In and Out of South Asia: Race, Capitalism, and Mobility will function in a new and innovative conference format. Our panelists have submitted their video presentations for pre-conference circulation. Their submissions can be accessed via this link:

We invite the audience to view these submissions in advance of the conference itself. On February 25-26, 2022, faculty discussants will provide mini-keynote opening and closing remarks and comments on the presentations. Audience members will then be invited to ask questions and engage with the panel.

If there is anything we can do to make this event accessible to you, please contact us. Please be aware that advance notice is necessary as some accommodations may require more time for the university to arrange.
CSAS Transnational Conference | In and Out of South Asia: Race, Capitalism, and Mobility CSAS Transnational Conference | In and Out of South Asia: Race, Capitalism, and Mobility
CSAS Transnational Conference | In and Out of South Asia: Race, Capitalism, and Mobility

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