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Presented By: Complex Systems Advanced Academic Workshop (CSAAW)

CSAAW Seminar | Modeling Cognitive Diversity

Caroline Skalla, undergraduate student researcher, Kalamazoo College

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In this paper we propose a computational modeling approach to the study of cognitive diversity. This project takes a new approach and uses agent-based modeling to computationally investigate the relationship between functional diversity and team performance and its moderating variables. Agent based modeling allows us to explore agent behaviors, this will not only help to determine if a correlation exists between diversity and team performance, but also the mechanisms behind why those patterns emerge. Our model takes a specific approach and investigates how two different definitions of diversity, Dominant Functional Diversity and Intrapersonal Functional Diversity, affect team performance. The findings from this model indicate that the definition of diversity has a strong effect on the perceived team performance, which could explain why results generated from studies are inconsistent with each other. Our findings reveal the importance of a universal construct of cognitive diversity which will make future studies more comparable.

Passcode: csaaw

Speaker Bio: Caroline Skalla is an undergraduate student studying Computer Science at Kalamazoo College and will be graduating spring 2022. She has done research in high performance computing, bioinformatics, and bio-inspired computing. The topic of her senior individualized project is modeling cognitive diversity. Caroline is planning to pursue an advanced degree in computer science and is interested in researching data analytics, information science and human-centered computing.
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Livestream Information

February 23, 2022 (Wednesday) 12:00pm
Meeting ID: 99929959678
Meeting Password: csaaw

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