Presented By: University Career Center
Google Presents: Google Intern Takeover
Google Intern Takeover
August 9th @ 3:00 PM PT / 5:00 PM CT /6:00 PM ET
This summer, two Google interns, Brian and Whitney (checkthem out on the speakers page!) created a Careers OnAir event to showcasethe Google internship from an intern’s point of view.
If you’re auniversity student interested in learning more about Google’s internship opportunities, join us for this panel of nontechnical and technical Google interns from the BOLD (non technical internship), STEP (Student Training Engineering Program), and SWE (Software Engineering) programs. At this event you’ll
-Learn about the interns’ high impact projects
-Getthe inside scoop on preparing for interviews
-Hear about the Google offices, and life at Google
Register for the event and watch here:
August 9th @ 3:00 PM PT / 5:00 PM CT /6:00 PM ET
This summer, two Google interns, Brian and Whitney (checkthem out on the speakers page!) created a Careers OnAir event to showcasethe Google internship from an intern’s point of view.
If you’re auniversity student interested in learning more about Google’s internship opportunities, join us for this panel of nontechnical and technical Google interns from the BOLD (non technical internship), STEP (Student Training Engineering Program), and SWE (Software Engineering) programs. At this event you’ll
-Learn about the interns’ high impact projects
-Getthe inside scoop on preparing for interviews
-Hear about the Google offices, and life at Google
Register for the event and watch here:
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