Presented By: University Career Center
Construction Analyst Career Fair
Although times have changed since the US Small Business Administration (SBA) was founded in 1953, the Agency's mission—to promote thegrowth of small business—has not. Disaster Enterprise is one of many program offices of SBA. We connect individuals, businesses and private non-profits with SBA disaster assistance programs and improve disaster recovery outcomes and economic resilience by helping communities prepare for, respond to, and recover from, and mitigate disasters of all types.
Joinus our Construction Analyst Career Fair from 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM EST August, 12, 2022. We will cover our mission, Construction Analyst job overview, and dedication to public service. In addition, learn best practices for navigating where you can view our current job openings.
Joinus our Construction Analyst Career Fair from 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM EST August, 12, 2022. We will cover our mission, Construction Analyst job overview, and dedication to public service. In addition, learn best practices for navigating where you can view our current job openings.
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