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Presented By: Department of Statistics

Statistics Department Seminar Series: Asger Hobolth, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Aarhus University

"Matrix-analytical methods in population genetics"

Asger Hobolth Asger Hobolth
Asger Hobolth
The analysis of genomic data makes it possible to characterize the demographic processes that shaped the genetic diversity of populations. State-of-the-art in data analyses of genomic data is increasingly simulation-based, but disadvantages of simulation-based procedures include that they are highly computer intensive, often depend on the choice of summary statistics, and a rather indirect procedure for understanding key properties of both the data and the model. As an alternative to simulations, I will outline an emerging mathematical framework for genetic diversity based on matrix-exponential distributions. The main idea is that the ancestral process of a genetic sample can be described using a generalization of the exponential distribution called a phase-type distribution. Phase-type distributions have been used with great success in the actuarial sciences and in queuing theory, but the distribution is also well suited for the ancestral process. I will describe recent results of using phase-type distributions in population genetics, and discuss the latest progress and future plans for the framework.

Asger Hobolth is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Aarhus University.

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