Event Types
Introduction to the Linux Command Line
High Performance Computing Training Sessions
This remote course will familiarize students with the basics of accessing and interacting with Linux computers using the GNU/Linux operating...
Introduction to Research Computing on the Great Lakes Cluster
High Performance Computing Training Sessions
This workshop will introduce you to high performance computing on the Great Lakes cluster. After a brief overview of the components of the...
Advanced Research Computing on the Great Lakes Cluster
High Performance Computing Training Sessions
This workshop will cover some more advanced topics in computing on the U-M Great Lakes Cluster. Topics to be covered include a brief review...
Intro to GPU & CUDA Programming
High Performance Computing Training Sessions
This workshop is an introduction to GPU programing for scientific and engineering applications. The basics of GPU architecture will be...
Introduction to the Linux Command Line
High Performance Computing Training Sessions
This remote course will familiarize students with the basics of accessing and interacting with Linux computers using the GNU/Linux operating...
Introduction to Research Computing on the Great Lakes Cluster
High Performance Computing Training Sessions
This workshop will introduce you to high performance computing on the Great Lakes cluster. After a brief overview of the components of the...
Advanced Research Computing on the Great Lakes Cluster
High Performance Computing Training Sessions
This workshop will cover some more advanced topics in computing on the U-M Great Lakes Cluster. Topics to be covered include a brief review...