October 24th, 2012

October 25th, 2012

CJS Noon Lecture Series

Natural and Unnatural Disasters: Rethinking Japan in the Aftermath of March 11

(FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) March 11, 2011 unleashed an unprecedented set of disasters in Northeast Japan (Tohoku): an earthquake of...

October 26th, 2012

Museum Studies Program Brown Bag

Navigating the Objective and Subjective at the Adler Planetarium

Museums are increasingly becoming important institutions for science learning. People learn subjectively by processing new information...


The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines, 196x-197x

Researched and organized by a team of Ph.D. candidates in the School of Architecture at Princeton University led by Professor Beatriz...

October 27th, 2012

October 28th, 2012

October 29th, 2012

David Mitchell Reading

Author of Cloud Atlas and Zell Distinguished Writer in Residence

David Mitchell is the acclaimed author of the novels Cloud Atlas, which was a Man Booker Prize finalist and which was recently made into a...

October 30th, 2012

CCS Noon Lecture Series

Rethinking "China" in the Global Sixties: Concerned Americans and French Maoists

A talk by Fabio Lanza, Associate Professor of History and East Asian Studies, Arizona State University. This presentation focuses on the...