May 3rd, 2025
Event Types
New Events
Justin Roberts & The Not Ready for Naptime Players
Presented by The Ark.
“Among the best craftsmen of sweet and silly kid tunes out there, making irresistible music out of small, well-observed moments from the...
Ongoing Attractions and Exhibits
Join SOCHI Email List!
Fill out this form to join our email list Welcome to SOCHI! We're thrilled you're interested...
Summer Session in Epidemiology
Registration Now Open!
Join us for the longest-running summer program in epidemiology! Choose from engaging 1-week or 3-week online courses designed to provide...
USA Cycling Collegiate Road Nationals
Road Cycling Nationals at Madison, WI
Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World
Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What Research and Mixed Race People Tell Us
The exhibit "Being Mixed Race in a Mono-racially Organized World: Interracial Identity in the U.S. and Around the World — What...
2025 IP Exhibition
All Stamps seniors who are enrolled in the year-long Integrative Project course participate in the IP Exhibition held each spring, which is...
Moth Eden
Anne Erlewine Solo Exhibition
Explore "Moth Eden," an evocative art exhibit by Anne Erlewine, running from April 19 to July 6, 2025. ‘Moth Eden’ is a series...
A Gathering
Welcome. Make Yourself At Home....
Commence: A Stamps Graduating Students Exhibition
The Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design is pleased to announce the second edition of Commence: A Stamps Graduating Students...
Unsettling Histories: Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism
Organized as a response to the Museum’s recent acquisition of Titus Kaphar’s Flay (James Madison), this upcoming reinstallation of one...
We Write To You About Africa
Following years of research into the Museum’s and University of Michigan’s relationships with Africa and African art collections,...
Michelle Hinojosa: Logcabins
Stamps Gallery commissioned Michelle Hinojosa (MFA, 2023) to reimagine the pillars on Division Street that flank the Gallery. Hinojosa has...