Selected Events
Event Types
- Exhibition(477)
- Performance(202)
- Well-being(125)
- Other(79)
- Social / Informal Gathering(54)
- Workshop / Seminar(53)
- Lecture / Discussion(50)
- Meeting(26)
- Presentation(11)
- Conference / Symposium(9)
- Careers / Jobs(8)
- Livestream / Virtual(7)
- Fair / Festival(6)
- Tours(6)
- Class / Instruction(5)
- Film Screening(5)
- Reception / Open House(4)
- Recreational / Games(3)
- Ceremony / Service(1)
- Community Service(1)
- University Library(211)
- School of Music, Theatre & Dance(204)
- North Campus Research Complex NCRC Art Program(100)
- University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA)(100)
- Information and Technology Services (ITS)(78)
- Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichols Arboretum(66)
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology(58)
- University Health & Counseling (UHC)(57)
- Residential College(51)
- Arts Initiative(47)
- Students Organize for Syria (SOS)(44)
- William L. Clements Library(36)
- Michigan Housing Diversity and Inclusion(25)
- Romance Languages & Literatures RLL(25)
- Department of English Language and Literature(19)
- Blood Drives United(12)
- Ginsberg Center(12)
- Keene Theater(12)
- University of Michigan Helen Zell Writers' Program(12)
- Hopwood Awards Program(10)
- Mary A. Rackham Institute(10)
- Center for Cell Plasticity and Organ Design(9)
- Alumni Association(8)
- Sessions @ Michigan(8)
- Department of Human Genetics(7)
- DCMB Tools and Technology Seminar(6)
- Department of Sociology(6)
- Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies - ICOS(6)
- Organizational Studies Program (OS)(6)
- Program in Biology(6)
- Department of Physics(5)
- HSSP(5)
- Lloyd Scholars for Writing and the Arts(5)
- Saturday Morning Physics(5)
- WISE Residence Program(5)
- Advanced Research Computing (ARC)(4)
- Archaeology at Michigan(4)
- Asian Languages and Cultures(4)
- CEW+(4)
- Center for Campus Involvement CCI(4)
- Center for World Performance Studies(4)
- Chemical Engineering(4)
- Department of Linguistics(4)
- Digital Studies Institute(4)
- International Institute(4)
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology(4)
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Tours(4)
- LSA UG Biology & Neuroscience Programs(4)
- Nam Center for Korean Studies(4)
- Newnan LSA Academic Advising Center(4)
- RC Players(4)
- Comparative Literature(3)
- Eisenberg Family Depression Center(3)
- Environmental Consulting Organization at the University of Michigan(3)
- Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library(3)
- LSA First-Gen Commitment(3)
- LSA First-Year Student Recruitment(3)
- LSA Honors Program(3)
- Living Arts(3)
- Michigan Community Scholars Program(3)
- Michigan Dining(3)
- Michigan Learning Communities(3)
- Michigan Research and Discovery Scholars(3)
- Not Even Really Drama Students - NERDS(3)
- Society of Women Engineers(3)
- Student Life Sustainability(3)
- The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts(3)
- Trash Club(3)
- Bentley Historical Library(2)
- Center for Entrepreneurship(2)
- Center for Research on Learning and Teaching(2)
- Department of American Culture(2)
- English Language & Literature - MFA Program in Creative Writing(2)
- LSA Transfer Student Center(2)
- Language Resource Center(2)
- Mark Webster Reading Series(2)
- Michigan Engineering C.A.R.E. Center(2)
- Michigan Institute for Data & AI in Society (MIDAS)(2)
- Michigan Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (MI-LSAMP)(2)
- Museum of Natural History(2)
- Native American Law Students Association(2)
- Native American Studies(2)
- Newnan LSA Pre-Health(2)
- Program in Transcultural Studies(2)
- Rackham Graduate School(2)
- Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshops(2)
- Resource Navigators(2)
- Sanger Leadership Center(2)
- School of Information(2)
- Science Learning Center(2)
- Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC)(2)
- Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program(2)
- Animania: The Japanese Animation Film Society(1)
- Barger Leadership Institute(1)
- Business+Impact at Michigan Ross(1)
- Center for Connected and Automated Transportation(1)
- DCMB Seminar Series(1)
- Department of Astronomy(1)
- Department of Film, Television, and Media(1)
- Department of Psychiatry(1)
- Detroit Urban Research Center(1)
- Groove/UAC(1)
- International Center(1)
- LSA Research Office(1)
- LSA Technology Services(1)
- Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies(1)
- Marsal Family School of Education(1)
- Michigan Artificial Intelligence Laboratory(1)
- Michigan Engineering Office of the Associate Dean for Research(1)
- Michigan Institute for Progressive Policy(1)
- Michigan Interfaith in Action(1)
- Michigan Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease Center(1)
- Michigan Malaysian Students' Association (MiMSA)(1)
- Michigan Ross Center for Positive Organizations(1)
- Michigan in Washington Program(1)
- Nature Rx(1)
- OVPR Office of Research Development(1)
- Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives (OAMI)(1)
- Organ Transplant & Health Awareness (OTHA)(1)
- Organizational Learning(1)
- Planet Blue Student Leaders(1)
- Prison Creative Arts Project(1)
- Public Engagement & Impact(1)
- Public Health Students of African Descent(1)
- Red Cross(1)
- Stamps Gallery(1)
- Sustainable LSA(1)
- The Impro-fessionals(1)
- University of Michigan Press(1)
- University of Michigan Speech Neurophysiology Lab(1)
- University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute(1)
- Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia(1)
- Wolverines for Life(1)
- Wolverines on Wheels (WoW)(1)
- Zell Lurie Institute(1)
- optiMize(1)
- See All Groups (136 total)
- Hatcher Graduate Library(209)
- Off Campus Location(140)
- Museum of Art(100)
- North Campus Research Complex Building 18(100)
- Matthaei Botanical Gardens(65)
- Earl V. Moore Building(54)
- East Quadrangle(53)
- Burton Memorial Tower(41)
- Lurie Ann & Robert H. Tower(41)
- William Clements Library(35)
- Hill Auditorium(29)
- Modern Languages Building(25)
- Michigan Union(21)
- West Quadrangle(19)
- Walgreen Drama Center(16)
- Angell Hall(13)
- Palmer Commons(10)
- South Quad(10)
- Bursley Hall(9)
- International Center(9)
- Trotter Multicultural Center(9)
- Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.)(8)
- Taubman Biomedical Science Research Building(8)
- Alumni Center(7)
- Ross School of Business(7)
- Dance Building(5)
- Michigan League(5)
- Weiser Hall(5)
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology(4)
- Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre(4)
- East Hall(3)
- Herbert H. Dow Building(3)
- Mason Hall(3)
- Museum of Natural History(3)
- Stearns Building(3)
- University Hospitals(3)
- Arbor Lakes(2)
- Buhl Res Cen for Human Genetics(2)
- Chrysler Center(2)
- Detroit Observatory(2)
- Gerald Ford Library(2)
- Mosher-Jordan Hall(2)
- Pierpont Commons(2)
- Shapiro Library(2)
- Taubman Library(2)
- 1027 E. Huron Building(1)
- Baits House II(1)
- Center for the Education of Women(1)
- Dana Natural Resources Building(1)
- Duderstadt Center(1)
- GG Brown Laboratory(1)
- Hutchins Hall(1)
- Marsal Family School of Education(1)
- Mary Markley Hall(1)
- Medical Science Unit I(1)
- Medical Science Unit II(1)
- Nichols Arboretum(1)
- North Quad(1)
- Oxford Housing(1)
- Public Health I (Vaughan Building)(1)
- School of Social Work Building(1)
- The Grove(1)
- Transportation Research Institute(1)
- Weill Hall (Ford School)(1)
- See All Locations (64 total)