Presented By: Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering
Graduate Studies in Computational & Data Sciences Information Session

The educational programs represented are:
- PhD in Scientific Computing (MICDE)
- Graduate Certificate in Computational Discovery & Engineering (MICDE)
- Graduate Certificate in Computational Neuroscience (MICDE)
- Graduate Certificate in Data Science (MIDAS)
These programs are open to all U-M graduate students with an interest in scientific computing or data science. These methodologies can have a wide range of applications - current and past students have come from a variety of home departments including Aerospace Engineering, Applied Physics, Biostatistics, Biomedical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Epidemiology, Health Behavior and Health Education, Health Infrastructures & Learning Systems, Information, Industrial & Operations Engineering, Kinesiology, Linguistics, Macromolecular Science & Engineering, Math, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences, Neuroscience, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Environment and Sustainability, Sociology and Statistics.
If you have any questions about these programs or about the information session, please reach out to MICDE ( or MIDAS (
- PhD in Scientific Computing (MICDE)
- Graduate Certificate in Computational Discovery & Engineering (MICDE)
- Graduate Certificate in Computational Neuroscience (MICDE)
- Graduate Certificate in Data Science (MIDAS)
These programs are open to all U-M graduate students with an interest in scientific computing or data science. These methodologies can have a wide range of applications - current and past students have come from a variety of home departments including Aerospace Engineering, Applied Physics, Biostatistics, Biomedical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Epidemiology, Health Behavior and Health Education, Health Infrastructures & Learning Systems, Information, Industrial & Operations Engineering, Kinesiology, Linguistics, Macromolecular Science & Engineering, Math, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences, Neuroscience, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Environment and Sustainability, Sociology and Statistics.
If you have any questions about these programs or about the information session, please reach out to MICDE ( or MIDAS (