Presented By: Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics
HET Seminar | An Antipodal Duality Between Amplitudes and Form Factors
Lance Dixon (slac)
Scattering amplitudes are where quantum field theory directly meets collider experiments. An excellent model for scattering in QCD is provided by N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory, particularly in the planar limit of a large number of colors, where the theory becomes integrable. The first nontrivial amplitude in this theory is for 6 gluons. It can be computed to 7 loops using a bootstrap based on the rigidity of the function space of multiple polylogarithms, together with a few other conditions. One can also bootstrap a particular form factor, for the chiral stress-tensor operator to produce 3 gluons, through 8 loops. This form factor is the N=4 analog of the LHC process, gluon gluon --> Higgs + gluon. Remarkably, the two sets of results are related by a mysterious “antipodal” duality, which exchanges the role of branch cuts and derivatives. I will describe how bootstrapping works and what we know about this new duality.