HET Brown Bag Seminar | Generalized Global Symmetries and Nonperturbative Quantum Flavodynamics
Seth Koren (Notre Dame)
Generalized global symmetries are present in theories of particle physics, and understanding their structure can give insight into these...
HET Seminar | New (Non-)Supersymmetric Phases in N=4 SYM
Vineeth Krishna (UMICH)
In this work, we extend our current understanding of the phase diagram of N=4 SYM at any given set of charges (Microcanonical Ensemble) by...
HET Seminar | Fivebrane Stars
Emil Martinec (UChicago)
We revisit a construction due to Lunin and Mathur of 1/2-BPS solutions of string theory involving fivebranes, which are the magnetic duals...
HET Seminar | Angular fractals in thermal CFT
Nathan Benjamin (USC)
I will discuss universal properties of thermal partition functions at high temperature and large angular fugacity, in d>2 CFTs. This...
HET Seminar | Cosmic Colliders: High Energy Physics with First Order Phase Transitions
Bibhushan Shakya (DESY)
Vacuum decay through runaway first order phase transitions (FOPTs) presents a unique opportunity for particle physics and cosmology:...