Presented By: Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies - ICOS
Making Everyday Leadership a Reality: Lessons from a 15-year Research Journey
Sue Ashford, Michigan Ross
People often want to lead more from wherever they “sit” in organizations. Companies also often say that they want more leadership from more places in their organization, but we’ve historically done little research to understand what might prompt more people to engage in such leadership, what deterrents they might face in doing so, and what processes are involved in bringing it about. This talk describes a 15-year journey into exploring these questions. In the talk I will pause to consider notable “sights” along the journey’s path (e.g., critical constructs and several studies). I will also identify lessons learned and possibilities for future research as I (and hopefully others) continue a journey of discovery regarding this important topic.
Livestream Information
ZoomApril 7, 2023 (Friday) 1:30pm
Meeting ID: 98468334296
Meeting Password: 775200
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