Presented By: Department Colloquia
2024 Ta-You Wu Lecture in Physics | The Discovery of Pulsars
Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell (University of Oxford, England, UK)

Presentation Abstract: A grad student notices something that she cannot explain…it’s not a fault with the equipment…then there’s a second…and yet more…A story from radio astronomy that marks the beginning of pulsar research.
Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell was the discoverer of the first radio pulsars, one of the most important astronomical discoveries of the 20th Century. She has received numerous awards and honors and is a devoted advocate for women in science.
Please join us for the lecture at 4:00 pm and a reception before the lecture beginning at 3:30 pm. You may find more information on our webpage:
This lecture will also be live-streamed via YouTube at
Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell was the discoverer of the first radio pulsars, one of the most important astronomical discoveries of the 20th Century. She has received numerous awards and honors and is a devoted advocate for women in science.
Please join us for the lecture at 4:00 pm and a reception before the lecture beginning at 3:30 pm. You may find more information on our webpage:
This lecture will also be live-streamed via YouTube at

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- The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Physics
- Graduate Society of Women Engineers
- Association for Women in Science
- Science Learning Center
- The Center for the Study of Complex Systems
- Applied Physics
- Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Program
- Department of Chemistry
- LSA Biophysics
- Michigan Institute for Research in Astrophysics
- Department of Mathematics
- Astronomy Colloquia
- Graduate Rackham International
- Undergrad Physics Events
- Graduate Society of Black Engineers and Scientists
- Math Undergraduate Seminar - Department of Mathematics
- Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics Cosmology Astrophysics Seminars