Planning meeting
As the new year begins, we will have our planning meeting for the semester to figure out the schedule of talks. As usual, we'll meet at...
GLNT: Close fields and the local Langlands correspondence
Daniel Li-Huerta
There is an idea, going back to work of Krasner, that p-adic fields tend to function fields as absolute ramification tends to infinity. We...
Colloquium Seminar: Analysis and Design of High Dimensional Sampling for Scientific Computing
Yifan Chen (Courant Institute, NYU)
Sampling from probability distributions is a fundamental challenge in physics and data science. State-of-the-art methods often rely on...
Student Analysis Seminar: Planning Meeting + Snack Time!
In this planning meeting, we'll discuss logistics, possible talk ideas, and set up a schedule for speakers this semester. Graduate...
Student Number Theory: Organizing meeting
We'll hold our organizing meeting, anyone who would like to give a talk or request a talk should come!
Probability and Analysis Seminar: Convergence of Unadjusted Langevin in High Dimensions: Delocalization of Bias
Yifan Chen (New York University)
The unadjusted Langevin algorithm is commonly used to sample probability distributions in extremely high-dimensional settings. However,...
Algebraic Geometry seminar: Curves on GL-varieties
Andrew Snowden (UM)
A GL-variety is a kind of infinite-dimensional variety on which the infinite general linear group GL acts. These varieties have surprising...
RTG SEMINAR: GEOMETRY, TOPOLOGY, DYNAMICS: Dehn filling in semisimple Lie groups
Teddy Weisman
Thurston's Hyperbolic Dehn Filling Theorem is a seminal result in the theory of 3-manifolds. Given a single noncompact finite-volume...
On the mean-field limit of diffusive games through the master equation: extreme value analysis
Nikolaos Kolliopoulos/ UM
We consider an N-player game where the players control the drifts of their diffusive states which have no interaction in the noise terms....
Colloquium Seminar: Asymptotics of high-dimensional Laplace-type integrals and probability densities
Anya Katsevich (MIT)
We derive an asymptotic expansion of Laplace-type integrals in which dimension grows together with the large parameter in the exponent. This...
The Amazing Eulerian Idempotents -- Combinatorics Seminar
Philip Hanlon, Dartmouth College
The Eulerian idempotents, sitting inside the group algebra of the symmetric group, are a set of pairwise orthogonal idempotents that sum to...
Student Algebraic Geometry: Planning Meeting
We will plan the schedule of talks for this semester. Come to meet people, sign up for a talk, or request a topic!
Marjorie Lee Browne Colloquium
Federico Ardila (San Francisco State University)
Geometry, Robots, and Society...
Intersection theory of matroids: variations on a theme
Federico Ardila (San Francisco State University)
Chow rings of toric varieties feature a rich combinatorial structure of independent interest. We will begin by surveying four different ways...
Probability and Analysis Seminar: Toward a structure theory of disordered matrix product states
Eric Roon (Michigan State University)
In 1992, Fannes, Nachtergaele, and Werner classified translation invariant states on quantum spin chains and discovered that they admit a...
Vector-valued robust stochastic control with applications to finance
Igor Cialenco/IIT
We study a dynamic stochastic control problem subject to Knightian uncertainty with multi-objective (vector-valued) criteria. Assuming the...
Forbidden 0-1 patterns and the Pach-Tardos conjecture -- Combinatorics Seminar
Seth Pettie, University of Michigan
This talk will survey the extremal theory of pattern-avoiding 0-1 matrices and some of their applications in geometry and algorithms. If P...
Colloquium Seminar: Electron-Electron Interactions and Moire Materials: An Applied Mathematics Approach
Kevin Stubbs (UC Berkeley)
When two layers of a periodic material are rotated relative to one another, a large scale pattern, called a moire pattern, is formed....
Sequential contracting in continuous time
Liwei Huang
In this presentation, I will address a continuous-time principal-agent problem featuring multiple lump-sum payments (contracts) scheduled at...
Colloquium Seminar: Van Eanam Lecture #1 Mean Field Games and Mean Field Controls: Where Do We Stand Twenty Years Later?
Rene Carmona (Princeton University)
The first part of this talk will review the early developments in the mathematical theory that began with the introduction of Mean Field...
Van Eenam Lecture #2 Optimal Control of Conditional Processes
Rene Camona/Princeton University
In this talk, we consider the conditional control problem introduced by P.L. Lions in his lectures at the College de France in November...
Van Eenam Lecture #3 From Nash Equilibrium to Social Optimum and Back: A Mean Field Perspective
Rene Carmona (Princeton University)
Mean field games (MFG) and mean field control (MFC) problems have been introduced to study large populations of strategic players. They...