Register: https://bit.ly/LGBTQ-UM-Events
Towards Solidarity: Allyship in Action is a 6-hour workshop developed by the University of Michigan Spectrum Center. This workshop aims to deepen our UM community's understanding of, and ability to engage with, LGBTQIA2S+ allyship. In Towards Solidarity, we move beyond basic conceptualizations of allyship and challenge participants to center liberation as they show up actively for LGBTQ+ communities. Learning outcomes include:
Through their participation in this program, participants will:
Develop their understanding of LGBTQIA2S+ allyship away from “ally” as an identity term and toward solidarity, a developmental, intersectional, and active set of practices;
Increase self-awareness to more effectively be in solidarity with LGBTQ+ communities;
Gain knowledge about how LGBTQ+ oppression operates on multiple levels
Identify inclusive practices, skills, and resources to support LGBTQ+ communities, particularly at U-M;
Commit to the practice of allyship and showing up in solidarity in their personal and professional lives
In this public offering of our workshop, lunch will be provided. We expect that all participants to complete our 1-hour webcourse prior to joining Towards Solidarity: Allyship in Action.
Spectrum Center Event Accessibility Statement:
The Spectrum Center is dedicated to working towards offering equitable access to all of the events we organize. If you have an accessibility need you feel may not be automatically met at this event, there is space to report that in the registration, or you can fill out our Event Accessibility Form, found at http://bit.ly/SCaccess. You do not need to have a registered disability with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) or identify as disabled to submit. Advance notice is necessary for some accommodations to be fully implemented, and we will always attempt to dismantle barriers as they are brought up to us. Any questions about accessibility at Spectrum Center events can be directed to spectrumcenter@umich.edu.
Towards Solidarity: Allyship in Action is a 6-hour workshop developed by the University of Michigan Spectrum Center. This workshop aims to deepen our UM community's understanding of, and ability to engage with, LGBTQIA2S+ allyship. In Towards Solidarity, we move beyond basic conceptualizations of allyship and challenge participants to center liberation as they show up actively for LGBTQ+ communities. Learning outcomes include:
Through their participation in this program, participants will:
Develop their understanding of LGBTQIA2S+ allyship away from “ally” as an identity term and toward solidarity, a developmental, intersectional, and active set of practices;
Increase self-awareness to more effectively be in solidarity with LGBTQ+ communities;
Gain knowledge about how LGBTQ+ oppression operates on multiple levels
Identify inclusive practices, skills, and resources to support LGBTQ+ communities, particularly at U-M;
Commit to the practice of allyship and showing up in solidarity in their personal and professional lives
In this public offering of our workshop, lunch will be provided. We expect that all participants to complete our 1-hour webcourse prior to joining Towards Solidarity: Allyship in Action.
Spectrum Center Event Accessibility Statement:
The Spectrum Center is dedicated to working towards offering equitable access to all of the events we organize. If you have an accessibility need you feel may not be automatically met at this event, there is space to report that in the registration, or you can fill out our Event Accessibility Form, found at http://bit.ly/SCaccess. You do not need to have a registered disability with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) or identify as disabled to submit. Advance notice is necessary for some accommodations to be fully implemented, and we will always attempt to dismantle barriers as they are brought up to us. Any questions about accessibility at Spectrum Center events can be directed to spectrumcenter@umich.edu.