Presented By: Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics Cosmology Astrophysics Seminars
Cosmo-Astro Seminar | Extracting information about our universe from photometric wide-field galaxy surveys
Angela Chen (Kavli IPMU)
Photometric wide field galaxy surveys are playing a growingly important role in our toolkits for understanding the universe. It is an art of data analysis and statistics to compress the huge amount of information of hundreds millions of galaxies into several degrees of freedoms describing our universe, and it takes extensive modulized steps and human forces to accomplish the whole analysis. I am one of the analyzers working downstream of the pipeline, dedicated to extracting model-level features from the cosmological data products of a photometric wide field galaxy survey. In this talk, I will present the results and/or methodologies on several physical property that we are interested in extracting from the Year-1 and Year-3 galaxy clustering and weak lensing data of the Dark Energy Survey (DES), including 1. The fraction of the dark matter that has decayed since the end of the inflation, 2. The baryonic feedback effect on the matter power spectrum, and 3. The kinematic dipole in the galaxy clustering.
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