Presented By: Department of Mathematics
Ten Lectures on Schubert Polynomials: Lecture 2. Back-stable Schubert Polynomials
William Fulton (UM)
In this lecture we construct a back-stable Schubert polynomial, in a polynomial ring
Z[c,x,y] in three sets of variables, for any permutation of any finite set of integers. As with the double Schubert polynomials of the first lecture, they are characterized by how they give degrees of degeneracy loci of matrices. A few algebraic and combinatorial formulas for these polynomials will be given.
Z[c,x,y] in three sets of variables, for any permutation of any finite set of integers. As with the double Schubert polynomials of the first lecture, they are characterized by how they give degrees of degeneracy loci of matrices. A few algebraic and combinatorial formulas for these polynomials will be given.