Presented By: Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics
HET Seminar | Analyticity properties of scatteing amplitude in a theory with a compactified spatial dimension.
Jnan Maharana (Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)
Please note special date, time and location for this seminar
NN Khuri, in 1995, considered a potential model where one spatial
dimension was compactified. He adopted Green function method, which has been
used for case of noncompact potential model, to study analyticity property
of forward amplitude and showed it violates dispersion relation (in case of
noncompact potential model dispersionrelation had been proved in 1950's). If
Khuri's result were valid in relativistic QFT it will have serious
consequences (for example proof of Frossart bound will not be valid). Andre
Martin asked me to look at analyticity of amplitude for a theory with
compactified spatial dimension.
I studied analyticity for such a theory in the framework of general field
theory without adopting any specific model. I have proved two results (i)
Forward dispesion relation is valid in relativistic QFT for a massive scalar
field theory with a compact spatial dimention. Thus Khiri's result for
potential scattering does not hold good for relativistic QFT. (ii) I have
gone further; I proved nonforward dispersion relation. Thus I
have gone beyond Khuri.
NN Khuri, in 1995, considered a potential model where one spatial
dimension was compactified. He adopted Green function method, which has been
used for case of noncompact potential model, to study analyticity property
of forward amplitude and showed it violates dispersion relation (in case of
noncompact potential model dispersionrelation had been proved in 1950's). If
Khuri's result were valid in relativistic QFT it will have serious
consequences (for example proof of Frossart bound will not be valid). Andre
Martin asked me to look at analyticity of amplitude for a theory with
compactified spatial dimension.
I studied analyticity for such a theory in the framework of general field
theory without adopting any specific model. I have proved two results (i)
Forward dispesion relation is valid in relativistic QFT for a massive scalar
field theory with a compact spatial dimention. Thus Khiri's result for
potential scattering does not hold good for relativistic QFT. (ii) I have
gone further; I proved nonforward dispersion relation. Thus I
have gone beyond Khuri.