The Robotics Pathways and Careers Speaker Series (RPCSS) invites professionals working in robotics to come talk with current undergraduates about their career path, how a background in robotics has impacted their professional growth, and what they hope to see in students looking to enter the profession.
The 90-minute format of the event will consist of a 30 minute presentation from the invited speaker and up to 60 minutes of moderated Q&A and discussion. Students will be able to participate in person or remotely.
No RSVP needed, all undergrads welcome!
Zoom Link:
Matthew is a Software Engineer at Woven By Toyota (Formerly: Toyota Research Institute), where he develops large-scale SLAM algorithms with a superb team. As a UM alumnus, BSE in Computer Science (2018) and Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering wth a focus on Robotics (2020), he was among the first employees at Mcity, an autonomous vehicle test track.
The 90-minute format of the event will consist of a 30 minute presentation from the invited speaker and up to 60 minutes of moderated Q&A and discussion. Students will be able to participate in person or remotely.
No RSVP needed, all undergrads welcome!
Zoom Link:
Matthew is a Software Engineer at Woven By Toyota (Formerly: Toyota Research Institute), where he develops large-scale SLAM algorithms with a superb team. As a UM alumnus, BSE in Computer Science (2018) and Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering wth a focus on Robotics (2020), he was among the first employees at Mcity, an autonomous vehicle test track.
Livestream Information
ZoomNovember 1, 2023 (Wednesday) 5:30pm
Meeting ID: 92286702864
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