Presented By: Michigan Institute for Data and AI in Society
Interdisciplinary Open Science in Social and Behavioral Research
MIDAS & ICPSR mini-symposium
About: Open Science is a movement to make scientific research accessible to all levels of society. Proponents identify barriers that impede or dissuade the broad dissemination of scientific data and how these differ across disciplines. Solutions proposed by open science proponents aim to improve rigor and reproducibility in research. These solutions include study pre-registration, data sharing and archiving, open-access publishing, universities and publishers incentivizing replication studies, and authors posting pre-print articles online. In this joint MIDAS-ICPSR Data Science and AI Research mini-symposium, we bring together representatives from Open Science initiatives and academia to discuss how open science solutions work across disciplines. The result will be a workshop, opportunities for 1:1 discussion with presenters, and potential opportunities for U-M faculty, staff, and students to shape the future of open science. We will focus on the social and behavioral sciences but solicit lessons learned from other disciplines, such as engineering and medicine.
Feb. 22, 9am-3pm: Open science workshop, open to the public
Feb. 23 (time TBA): Follow-up meetings from workshop, open to U-M faculty, staff, students, and invited speakers.
For more information, please visit our event page at:
Feb. 22, 9am-3pm: Open science workshop, open to the public
Feb. 23 (time TBA): Follow-up meetings from workshop, open to U-M faculty, staff, students, and invited speakers.
For more information, please visit our event page at:
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