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Presented By: Geometry Seminar - Department of Mathematics

GEOMETRY SEMINAR. Morse-ness in convex projective geometry

Mitul Islam

The (Hilbert metric) geometry of properly convex domains generalizes real hyperbolic geometry. This generalization is far from the Riemannian notion of non-positive curvature but they have some intriguing similarities. In coarse geometry, Morse geodesics embody “negatively curved” directions. In this talk, I will explore Morse geodesics in a properly convex domain. I will show that Morse-ness can be characterized entirely using linear algebraic data (i.e. singular values of matrices that track the geodesic). Further, I will discuss how this coarse geometric notion of Morse is closely related to a symmetric space notion of Morse (studied by Kapovich-Leeb-Porti) as well as the smoothness of boundary points. This is joint work with Theodore Weisman.

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