Presented By: School of Music, Theatre & Dance
"All In Your Head"
An interdisciplinary performance by NeuroArts Productions

"All in Your Head” is a four-movement multimodal work that explores the trial-and-error mental health treatment system, the science of depression, and the inner landscapes of the brain – with visual art, dance, and live improvisation and composition. Flipping the idea that mental illness is “all in your head,” because that is exactly where we need to look: into the individual’s brain chemistry, circuitry, and holistic life experience: a patient's unique world that calls for unique treatment approaches.
Think: sonic representations of neural communication, brain scans as graphic scores for real-time improvisation, dance to mirror the experience of the trial-and-error treatment system, and more.
Tune in after the premiere for a panel discussion with leading researchers in precision medicine, neuroarts, the science of depression, and stigma.
Please register to join the livestream – the in-person event is at capacity.
Produced and directed by Sasha Gusikhin
Composed by Cameron Wilson and Liam Charron
Choreographed by Madison Rogers
Visual design by SinYu Deng
Think: sonic representations of neural communication, brain scans as graphic scores for real-time improvisation, dance to mirror the experience of the trial-and-error treatment system, and more.
Tune in after the premiere for a panel discussion with leading researchers in precision medicine, neuroarts, the science of depression, and stigma.
Please register to join the livestream – the in-person event is at capacity.
Produced and directed by Sasha Gusikhin
Composed by Cameron Wilson and Liam Charron
Choreographed by Madison Rogers
Visual design by SinYu Deng
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