Presented By: Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics
HET Brown Bag Seminar | Recent progress on Coon amplitudes: the N-point amplitude and an exact field-theory limit
Nick Geiser (UM)
In the last two years, Coon amplitudes have received a burst of renewed interest in the context of the modern S-matrix bootstrap program. The four-point Coon amplitude was first discovered in 1969 by D.D. Coon and is a deformation of string theory’s famous Veneziano amplitude with a free deformation parameter q. At q = 1, Coon amplitudes become tree-level open string amplitudes. Recently, several groups have studied the low-energy expansion of Coon amplitudes, the unitarity properties of Coon amplitudes, various extensions and generalizations of Coon amplitudes, and possible physical models realizing the Coon spectrum. In this seminar, I will survey these recent developments along with some new results on N-point Coon amplitudes. By studying the N-point Coon amplitude, we will discover a particular limit which reproduces the tree-level amplitudes of a particular field theory with an infinite set of non-derivative single-trace interaction terms. This correspondence is the first definitive realization of the Coon amplitude (in any limit) from a field theory described by an explicit Lagrangian.
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