A grandfather reads to his sick grandson a story of action, romance, revenge, comedy, treachery, and heroism. Set in medieval times, Westley and Buttercup found true love in one another, but tragedy tore these lovers apart, with Buttercup being believed that Westley was murdered by the dread pirate Roberts. Buttercup is heartbroken and swears never to love again. Five years later, Buttercup is chosen to be the bride of the smug prince Humperdinck and future queen of the kingdom of Florin. Nefarious plots are in the works, however, as a trio of mischief makers are hired to kidnap and kill her. A man dressed in black interrupts their plans so that he can save the day. Come see this cult classic fantasy movie reimagined as a shadow cast as actors perform in front of the movie! Only March 8th and 9th in the Keene Theatre!
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