Presented By: Student Dynamics/Geometry/Topology Seminar - Department of Mathematics
Student Dyn/Geo/Top: Heegaard Floer Homology and Unknotting Number
Nathan Li
Heegaard Floer homology is a powerful topological invariant of
3-manifolds and knots. The unknotting number is an invariant of knots
that is easy to define but can be difficult to compute. In this talk,
I will review some results that show how Heegaard Floer homology has
been used to determine unknotting numbers of certain knots.
3-manifolds and knots. The unknotting number is an invariant of knots
that is easy to define but can be difficult to compute. In this talk,
I will review some results that show how Heegaard Floer homology has
been used to determine unknotting numbers of certain knots.
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