During this workshop, Leah will lead participants in a soundwalk through U-M’s Nichols Arboretum. A soundwalk is a walk where the focus is to listen to the environment. This practice emerged from the members of the World Soundscape Project under R. Murray Schafer and the World Forum of Acoustic Ecology, founded by Hildegard Westerkamp, and has informed the work of Pauline Oliveros, Janet Cardiff, and other sound artists.
Leah Crosby (they/them) (MFA 24, Stamps School of Arts and Design) is a multimedia artist, collaborator, and genre-bender. Leah is one of three master’s degree-level residents chosen for the 2024 Creative Careers Residency at the Arts Initiative. They are interested in the empathetic potential of fantasy, the use of play and pleasure, and the activation of public spaces.
If you have specific mobility needs, please email in advance and we will prioritize choosing an accessible route. Participants with hearing loss are welcome to join as well.
RSVP needed: http://soundwalks.rsvpify.com
Maximum number of participants: 15
Are you attending one of these workshops? You can submit your work for our Take Care Student Exhibition.
More info and submission form here: https://artsinitiative.slideroom.com/#/login/program/79201
The Arts Initiative, in partnership with Wolverine Wellness, is launching a series of free art-making workshops for the Take Care AY 2024-25 focus. These workshops are an opportunity to create art, brush up on dance techniques, and other artistic forms. No prior experience required. Led by local and regional artists, the workshops are open to the entire U-M and local community. All supplies necessary will be provided at the workshop.
For questions or to request accessibility accommodations, contact Félix Zamora-Gómez at felixzg@umich.edu.
Leah Crosby (they/them) (MFA 24, Stamps School of Arts and Design) is a multimedia artist, collaborator, and genre-bender. Leah is one of three master’s degree-level residents chosen for the 2024 Creative Careers Residency at the Arts Initiative. They are interested in the empathetic potential of fantasy, the use of play and pleasure, and the activation of public spaces.
If you have specific mobility needs, please email in advance and we will prioritize choosing an accessible route. Participants with hearing loss are welcome to join as well.
RSVP needed: http://soundwalks.rsvpify.com
Maximum number of participants: 15
Are you attending one of these workshops? You can submit your work for our Take Care Student Exhibition.
More info and submission form here: https://artsinitiative.slideroom.com/#/login/program/79201
The Arts Initiative, in partnership with Wolverine Wellness, is launching a series of free art-making workshops for the Take Care AY 2024-25 focus. These workshops are an opportunity to create art, brush up on dance techniques, and other artistic forms. No prior experience required. Led by local and regional artists, the workshops are open to the entire U-M and local community. All supplies necessary will be provided at the workshop.
For questions or to request accessibility accommodations, contact Félix Zamora-Gómez at felixzg@umich.edu.
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