Presented By: School of Music, Theatre & Dance
A Century of Women and the Carillon: Timeline of 'Firsts' since 1950
2024 U-M Organ Conference / Great Lakes Regional Carillon Meeting

A Century of Women and the Carillon’s Timeline of ‘Firsts’ since 1950 is presented by University Carillonist Tiffany Ng, alumna Dr. Michelle Lam, and 2022–23 UROP researcher Sarah Penrose.
According to UNESCO, the carillon turned 500 years old in 2015. Yet women have only been fully involved in carillon culture for the past century. The open-access website presents the discoveries of an international research team led by Associate Professor of Music Tiffany Ng (SMTD) on women’s contributions to carillon culture since the fifteenth century.
In this presentation, Prof. Ng, co-editor Dr. Michelle Lam, and 2022–23 UROP researcher Sarah Penrose launch their final addition to the website, an inspiring community-nominated global timeline of the first women to break glass ceilings in their regions and carillon fields from 1950 to the present day.
Time: 2:00–2:30pm
Location: Michigan League, Michigan Room (2nd floor)
This event is open to the public as part of the 2024 University of Michigan Organ Conference / Great Lakes Regional Carillon Meeting, supported by the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance and a Fall/Winter Gatherings Grant from the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America.
According to UNESCO, the carillon turned 500 years old in 2015. Yet women have only been fully involved in carillon culture for the past century. The open-access website presents the discoveries of an international research team led by Associate Professor of Music Tiffany Ng (SMTD) on women’s contributions to carillon culture since the fifteenth century.
In this presentation, Prof. Ng, co-editor Dr. Michelle Lam, and 2022–23 UROP researcher Sarah Penrose launch their final addition to the website, an inspiring community-nominated global timeline of the first women to break glass ceilings in their regions and carillon fields from 1950 to the present day.
Time: 2:00–2:30pm
Location: Michigan League, Michigan Room (2nd floor)
This event is open to the public as part of the 2024 University of Michigan Organ Conference / Great Lakes Regional Carillon Meeting, supported by the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance and a Fall/Winter Gatherings Grant from the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America.
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