Presented By: RTG Seminar on Geometry, Dynamics and Topology - Department of Mathematics
RTG Geometry, Topology, Dynamics: Concave foliated flag structures and Hitchin representations in SL(3,R)
Max Riestenberg
In 1992 Hitchin discovered distinguished components of the PSL(d,R) character variety for closed surface groups pi_1S and asked for an interpretation of those components in terms of geometric structures. Soon after, Choi-Goldman identified the SL(3,R)-Hitchin component with the space of convex projective structures on S. In 2008, Guichard-Wienhard identified the PSL(4,R)-Hitchin component with foliated projective structures on the unit tangent bundle T^1S. The case d \ge 5 remains open, and compels one to move beyond projective geometry to flag geometry. In joint work with Alex Nolte, we obtain a new description of the SL(3,R)-Hitchin component in terms of concave foliated flag structures on T^1S.
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