Presented By: Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichols Arboretum
Free Wonder Walks

Join us for free, guided nature walks
Matthaei Botanical Gardens is hosting free guided nature walks on select Wednesdays and Sundays. These walks are FREE, no registration is required. Wonder Walks are designed for all ages to inspire curiosity and learning from each other through activities that model curiosity and honor nature. If we have a sizeable mixed-age group, we may separate into two sets to offer the same content at different levels of engagement.
Wednesday walks begin at 5:30 pm. Sunday walks begin at 1:00 pm. We recommend gathering inside the lobby of Matthaei Botanical Gardens about 10 minutes before the start.
Matthaei Botanical Gardens is hosting free guided nature walks on select Wednesdays and Sundays. These walks are FREE, no registration is required. Wonder Walks are designed for all ages to inspire curiosity and learning from each other through activities that model curiosity and honor nature. If we have a sizeable mixed-age group, we may separate into two sets to offer the same content at different levels of engagement.
Wednesday walks begin at 5:30 pm. Sunday walks begin at 1:00 pm. We recommend gathering inside the lobby of Matthaei Botanical Gardens about 10 minutes before the start.
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