Presented By: Residential College
Poetry for the Planet - Open Mic and Pledge Drive
An event to celebrate the first ever National Climate Mobilization Day,
It's hard to stay optimistic in the battle against global climate change. Every day we hear news reports or read headlines painting an increasingly bleak, threatening picture of the future. And yet the vast majority of Americans seem either unaware of or unconcerned about the catastrophe we are careening toward.
The Climate Mobilization Pledge is a social movement strategy, designed to fight denial and build political power. When someone signs the Pledge to Mobilize, they agree to vote for candidates on the local, state, and national level who understand that climate change is an acute global crisis and to call for a whole society, all-out climate mobilization.
Join us on Sunday afternoon at Liberty Plaza. Take the Climate Mobilization Pledge and join Buzz Alexander and others in an open mic session to read your favorite poems celebrating the beauty of the planet or the issues of climate change.
The Climate Mobilization Pledge is a social movement strategy, designed to fight denial and build political power. When someone signs the Pledge to Mobilize, they agree to vote for candidates on the local, state, and national level who understand that climate change is an acute global crisis and to call for a whole society, all-out climate mobilization.
Join us on Sunday afternoon at Liberty Plaza. Take the Climate Mobilization Pledge and join Buzz Alexander and others in an open mic session to read your favorite poems celebrating the beauty of the planet or the issues of climate change.
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