Presented By: School of Music, Theatre & Dance
The River in Our City, the River in Our Veins
Processional Performance in celebration of the University's Bicentennial. Beginning at the Earl V. Moore Building Pond, the parade leads to the Duderstadt Tree Planting Ceremony.
12:00 p.m. pre-show begins; 12:45 p.m. tree planting.
Presented by Professors Christianne Myers and Michael Gurevich. The Huron River is a beautiful and defining feature of our city and the University. We try to control it as it meanders, tumbles, carves, and flows. It sustains, as it flows through us all. With the Huron River as a source of inspiration, fibers students in the Stamps School of Art & Design created fabrics and students of composition, electronic chamber music and puppetry have used those fabrics to create large processional puppets—some as kinetic instruments, some to take flight, and some to be underscored by sounds and music inspired by our environment. Presented with support from MCubed & The U-M Bicentennial.
12:00 p.m. pre-show begins; 12:45 p.m. tree planting.
Presented by Professors Christianne Myers and Michael Gurevich. The Huron River is a beautiful and defining feature of our city and the University. We try to control it as it meanders, tumbles, carves, and flows. It sustains, as it flows through us all. With the Huron River as a source of inspiration, fibers students in the Stamps School of Art & Design created fabrics and students of composition, electronic chamber music and puppetry have used those fabrics to create large processional puppets—some as kinetic instruments, some to take flight, and some to be underscored by sounds and music inspired by our environment. Presented with support from MCubed & The U-M Bicentennial.
- Free - no tickets required
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