Presented By: Civil and Environmental Engineering
Novel Electrode Materials for Water Treatment
Brian Chaplin

This talk will discuss ongoing research efforts aimed at advancing EAOPs, which
includes the synthesis of selective electrodes for the minimization of byproduct
formation and development of inexpensive, high surface area, porous electrodes
for enhanced electrochemical activity. A combination of electrochemical
reactivity experiments, electrochemical characterization, and density functional
theory modeling was used to develop a mechanistic understanding of the interactions of contaminants with these novel electrode materials. Results from
this work are being used to develop more efficient and compact treatment
technologies, including ‘self cleaning’ membranes and multi-functional point-of-use
water treatment devices.
Brian Chaplin is a professor the University of Illinois at Chicago in the Chemical Engineering Department.
includes the synthesis of selective electrodes for the minimization of byproduct
formation and development of inexpensive, high surface area, porous electrodes
for enhanced electrochemical activity. A combination of electrochemical
reactivity experiments, electrochemical characterization, and density functional
theory modeling was used to develop a mechanistic understanding of the interactions of contaminants with these novel electrode materials. Results from
this work are being used to develop more efficient and compact treatment
technologies, including ‘self cleaning’ membranes and multi-functional point-of-use
water treatment devices.
Brian Chaplin is a professor the University of Illinois at Chicago in the Chemical Engineering Department.