Presented By: HET Brown Bag Series
HET Brown Bag | Inflation and Supersymmetry Breaking in an M-theory Framework
Martin Winkler (Stockholm)
Please note this talk will be on Tuesday at noon in 3481 Randall
Compactifying M-theory on a manifold of G2 holonomy gives a UV complete 4D theory. It is supersymmetric, with soft supersymmetry breaking via gaugino condensation that simultaneously stabilizes all moduli and generates a hierarchy between the Planck and the Fermi scale. It has gauge matter, chiral fermions, and several other important features of our world, including a De Sitter vacuum. Here we show that the theory also contains a successful inflaton, which is essentially the overall volume modulus of the compactified manifold. We will discuss the cosmological and experimental implications of this theory.
Compactifying M-theory on a manifold of G2 holonomy gives a UV complete 4D theory. It is supersymmetric, with soft supersymmetry breaking via gaugino condensation that simultaneously stabilizes all moduli and generates a hierarchy between the Planck and the Fermi scale. It has gauge matter, chiral fermions, and several other important features of our world, including a De Sitter vacuum. Here we show that the theory also contains a successful inflaton, which is essentially the overall volume modulus of the compactified manifold. We will discuss the cosmological and experimental implications of this theory.