Event navigation details - http://bit.ly/35VIVhJ
The Spectrum Center is inviting UM alumni and co-creators of the asexuality-focused podcast Sounds Fake But Okay to talk about being content creators in the asexual community. Learn about why these two friends came together to make the podcast, how they've kept it going for over two years, their evolution as creators, and maybe pick up something new to listen to!
Check out the other Asexual Awareness Week events at http://bit.ly/AsexualAwareness19
Spectrum Center Accessibility Statement
If you have an accessibility need you feel may not be automatically met at this event, fill out our Event Accommodation Form, found at http://bit.ly/SCaccess. Please be aware that advance notice is necessary for some accommodations to be fully implemented, but we will always attempt to dismantle barriers as they are brought up to us. Any questions about accessibility at Spectrum Center events can be directed to spectrumcenter@umich.edu.
The Spectrum Center is inviting UM alumni and co-creators of the asexuality-focused podcast Sounds Fake But Okay to talk about being content creators in the asexual community. Learn about why these two friends came together to make the podcast, how they've kept it going for over two years, their evolution as creators, and maybe pick up something new to listen to!
Check out the other Asexual Awareness Week events at http://bit.ly/AsexualAwareness19
Spectrum Center Accessibility Statement
If you have an accessibility need you feel may not be automatically met at this event, fill out our Event Accommodation Form, found at http://bit.ly/SCaccess. Please be aware that advance notice is necessary for some accommodations to be fully implemented, but we will always attempt to dismantle barriers as they are brought up to us. Any questions about accessibility at Spectrum Center events can be directed to spectrumcenter@umich.edu.