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Spectrum Center and the Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs Office (MESA) are proud to continue an initiative centering Queer and Transgender People of Color (QTPOC): Community Dinners for/by QTPOC. FREE DINNER will be provided to the first 15 students who sign up for the respective dinners. If there are more than 15 students signing up for a dinner session, they will be put on a waiting list. The host for this dinner is Mark Chung Kwan Fan.
Food TBA
Mark Chung Kwan Fan currently serves as the Assistant Director for Engagement at the Spectrum Center at the University of Michigan. His main responsibilities focus on events and partnerships, external/community relations, assessment, alumni and stewardship, and the Center's communications work. With a student-centered approach, he grounds his work with a racial and gender justice foci while centering the intersections of students' multiple complex identities and experiences. His past experience revolves in areas of housing and residence life, honors college, international student orientation and support, and various identity-based initiatives. He obtained his bachelor's degrees in Spanish and French from Adrian College followed by a master's degree from Michigan State University in Student Affairs Administration. ​Born and raised in Mauritius, Mark is a Taurus sun, world traveler, and an Asian food lover while being vegetarian for 346 days a year on a leap year. He currently is involved with ACPA-Michigan, a state division within ACPA: College Student Educators International; ACPA 2020 Nashville, TN Convention Planning Committee; and a regional representative for the Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals. Mark engages with the local community as a member of the Board of Directors of the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair and as a Community Advisory Board for the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center.
Spectrum Center Accessibility Statement
The Spectrum Center is dedicated to working towards offering equitable access to all of the events we organize. If you have an accessibility need you feel may not be automatically met at this event, fill out our Event Accessibility Form, found at You do not need to have a registered disability with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) or identify as disabled to submit. Advance notice is necessary for some accommodations to be fully implemented, and we will always attempt to dismantle barriers as they are brought up to us. Any questions about accessibility at Spectrum Center events can be directed to
Spectrum Center and the Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs Office (MESA) are proud to continue an initiative centering Queer and Transgender People of Color (QTPOC): Community Dinners for/by QTPOC. FREE DINNER will be provided to the first 15 students who sign up for the respective dinners. If there are more than 15 students signing up for a dinner session, they will be put on a waiting list. The host for this dinner is Mark Chung Kwan Fan.
Food TBA
Mark Chung Kwan Fan currently serves as the Assistant Director for Engagement at the Spectrum Center at the University of Michigan. His main responsibilities focus on events and partnerships, external/community relations, assessment, alumni and stewardship, and the Center's communications work. With a student-centered approach, he grounds his work with a racial and gender justice foci while centering the intersections of students' multiple complex identities and experiences. His past experience revolves in areas of housing and residence life, honors college, international student orientation and support, and various identity-based initiatives. He obtained his bachelor's degrees in Spanish and French from Adrian College followed by a master's degree from Michigan State University in Student Affairs Administration. ​Born and raised in Mauritius, Mark is a Taurus sun, world traveler, and an Asian food lover while being vegetarian for 346 days a year on a leap year. He currently is involved with ACPA-Michigan, a state division within ACPA: College Student Educators International; ACPA 2020 Nashville, TN Convention Planning Committee; and a regional representative for the Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals. Mark engages with the local community as a member of the Board of Directors of the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair and as a Community Advisory Board for the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center.
Spectrum Center Accessibility Statement
The Spectrum Center is dedicated to working towards offering equitable access to all of the events we organize. If you have an accessibility need you feel may not be automatically met at this event, fill out our Event Accessibility Form, found at You do not need to have a registered disability with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) or identify as disabled to submit. Advance notice is necessary for some accommodations to be fully implemented, and we will always attempt to dismantle barriers as they are brought up to us. Any questions about accessibility at Spectrum Center events can be directed to
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