Miki Obata and Professor Marlyse Baptista will give a talk titled "Asymmetrical Agreement: Evidence from Focus-Agreement in Cape Verdean Creole."
This presentation focuses on A’-movement in Cape Verdean Creole (CVC), spoken on the islands of Cape Verde, and demonstrates that asymmetrical focus-agreement takes place in wh-questions (full-agreement) and exclamatives (partial-agreement) in CVC based on Kato et al.’s (2014) Search-based agreement system. As a consequence, we show that our system can capture commonality between Focus-agreement in CVC and Subj.-Verb agreement in Standard Arabic discussed in Kinjo (2015).
This presentation focuses on A’-movement in Cape Verdean Creole (CVC), spoken on the islands of Cape Verde, and demonstrates that asymmetrical focus-agreement takes place in wh-questions (full-agreement) and exclamatives (partial-agreement) in CVC based on Kato et al.’s (2014) Search-based agreement system. As a consequence, we show that our system can capture commonality between Focus-agreement in CVC and Subj.-Verb agreement in Standard Arabic discussed in Kinjo (2015).
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