Discussion Group
Phondi is a discussion and research group for students and faculty at U-M and nearby universities who have interests in phonetics and...
Discussion Group
HistLing is devoted to discussions of language change. Group members include interested faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates from...
Discussion Group
The SoConDi group is both a discussion platform and a study group for students and faculty members who are interested in sociolinguistics,...
Discussion Group
The DocDi Group is a collaborative forum, open to both students and faculty, who share an interest in the areas of Field Linguistics,...
Discussion Group
The psycholinguistics discussion group is a meeting of several lab groups from Linguistics, Psychology, and other departments that all share...
Discussion Group
The Prosody Group consists of researchers interested in any aspect of prosody. We meet biweekly throughout the year to present our work in...
Discussion Group
The DocDi Group is a collaborative forum, open to both students and faculty, who share an interest in the areas of Field Linguistics,...
Discussion Group
The syntax-semantics group provides a forum within which Linguistics students and faculty at UM, and from neighboring universities (thus far...
Linguistics Colloquium
Amalia Arvaniti, Radboud University
Amalia Arvaniti is a Professor at the Centre for Language Studies and in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at Radboud...
Discussion Group
The language across modalities discussion group provides a space for students, faculty, and community members to discuss research that spans...
Discussion Group
Phondi is a discussion and research group for students and faculty at U-M and nearby universities who have interests in phonetics and...
Discussion Group
HistLing is devoted to discussions of language change. Group members include interested faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates from...
Discussion Group
The SoConDi group is both a discussion platform and a study group for students and faculty members who are interested in sociolinguistics,...
Linguistics Graduate Student Colloquium
Danuta Allen and Sophia Eakins, University of Michigan
This event will be hybrid held in person & Zoom. Student Presenters this term will be Danuta Allen and Sophia Eakins.
Exploring the Mind - What Children Can Teach Us About the Human Mind
Susan Gelman, Heinz Werner Distinguished University Professor of Psychology and Linguistics
How do young children make sense of the world? Are they limited to what they see, or can they think beyond the here and now? This talk will...
Discussion Group
The psycholinguistics discussion group is a meeting of several lab groups from Linguistics, Psychology, and other departments that all share...
Discussion Group
The Prosody Group consists of researchers interested in any aspect of prosody. We meet biweekly throughout the year to present our work in...
Discussion Group
The syntax-semantics group provides a forum within which Linguistics students and faculty at UM, and from neighboring universities (thus far...
Discussion Group
The DocDi Group is a collaborative forum, open to both students and faculty, who share an interest in the areas of Field Linguistics,...
Discussion Group
The language across modalities discussion group provides a space for students, faculty, and community members to discuss research that spans...
Discussion Group
Phondi is a discussion and research group for students and faculty at U-M and nearby universities who have interests in phonetics and...
Discussion Group
The SoConDi group is both a discussion platform and a study group for students and faculty members who are interested in sociolinguistics,...
Discussion Group
The psycholinguistics discussion group is a meeting of several lab groups from Linguistics, Psychology, and other departments that all share...