Presented By: Spectrum Center
Meet the Leaders: LGBTQ+ Student Orgs Panel

Note: This event is also listed in the graduate student welcome calendar. Both listings are the same event and the inclusion in the graduate student calendar was to explicitly encourage non-undergrad students to come as we will be featuring some orgs solely for grad / professional students.
Did you know there's nearly 20 different LGBTQ+ organizations active at the University of Michigan? Now, we can't have a panel with all of them, but we can introduce you to a few of them! Join representatives from five of these orgs to talk about their purpose, vision, and goals, and also to learn about what it's like to lead as an LGBTQ+ person at this university. We'll share how to connect with all the other orgs as well, so you can easily find your people. Come meet your community with us!
Spectrum Center Event Accessibility Statement:
The Spectrum Center is dedicated to working towards offering equitable access to all of the events we organize. If you have an accessibility need you feel may not be automatically met at this event, fill out our Event Accessibility Form, found at You do not need to have a registered disability with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) or identify as disabled to submit. Advance notice is necessary for some accommodations to be fully implemented, and we will always attempt to dismantle barriers as they are brought up to us. Any questions about accessibility at Spectrum Center events can be directed to
Did you know there's nearly 20 different LGBTQ+ organizations active at the University of Michigan? Now, we can't have a panel with all of them, but we can introduce you to a few of them! Join representatives from five of these orgs to talk about their purpose, vision, and goals, and also to learn about what it's like to lead as an LGBTQ+ person at this university. We'll share how to connect with all the other orgs as well, so you can easily find your people. Come meet your community with us!
Spectrum Center Event Accessibility Statement:
The Spectrum Center is dedicated to working towards offering equitable access to all of the events we organize. If you have an accessibility need you feel may not be automatically met at this event, fill out our Event Accessibility Form, found at You do not need to have a registered disability with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) or identify as disabled to submit. Advance notice is necessary for some accommodations to be fully implemented, and we will always attempt to dismantle barriers as they are brought up to us. Any questions about accessibility at Spectrum Center events can be directed to

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