Presented By: Judaic Studies
Feuilleton Workshop - Jewish Feuilletons in and beyond the American Press
Ayelet Brinn, University of Pennsylvania & Yaakov Herskovitz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ayelet Brinn (University of Pennsylvania): "Conversion, Translation, and Adaptation: Abraham Cahan's Mediation Between the American Anglophone and Yiddish Press"
Yaakov Herskovitz (Hebrew University Jerusalem): "He shoots paper out of a copier, as is the custom of America!": Hebrew vs. American Writing in a Feuilleton by Yosef Hayim Brenner.
You are invited to attend the first in a series of online workshops that explores the relationship between the feuilleton and modern Jewish cultures. These workshops, which will occur in fall 2020 and spring 2021, hope to shed light on the interaction between translation and multilingual feuilleton texts as they arise in certain national and linguistic contexts and travel, often through translation, to others often worlds apart. For those unfamiliar with the project: these workshops are part of the larger, ongoing project to chart the historical, cultural, geographical, and textual development of Jewish feuilletons and feuilletonists across the globe. For more information and past events, please visit our website:
Format: Speakers will provide contextual information on their text and offer a brief interpretation of the text. Question and answer as well as open discussion will follow the talks with the goal of building connections to other contexts and texts within the study of modern Jewish cultures. Text materials, both in original and in partial translation, will be available a week prior to the event.
To ensure a collegial workshop atmosphere, we ask kindly that you RSVP via email to Kelsey Keeves ( with your name and email address. You will receive a Zoom link and copies of texts and translations for the workshop.
Yaakov Herskovitz (Hebrew University Jerusalem): "He shoots paper out of a copier, as is the custom of America!": Hebrew vs. American Writing in a Feuilleton by Yosef Hayim Brenner.
You are invited to attend the first in a series of online workshops that explores the relationship between the feuilleton and modern Jewish cultures. These workshops, which will occur in fall 2020 and spring 2021, hope to shed light on the interaction between translation and multilingual feuilleton texts as they arise in certain national and linguistic contexts and travel, often through translation, to others often worlds apart. For those unfamiliar with the project: these workshops are part of the larger, ongoing project to chart the historical, cultural, geographical, and textual development of Jewish feuilletons and feuilletonists across the globe. For more information and past events, please visit our website:
Format: Speakers will provide contextual information on their text and offer a brief interpretation of the text. Question and answer as well as open discussion will follow the talks with the goal of building connections to other contexts and texts within the study of modern Jewish cultures. Text materials, both in original and in partial translation, will be available a week prior to the event.
To ensure a collegial workshop atmosphere, we ask kindly that you RSVP via email to Kelsey Keeves ( with your name and email address. You will receive a Zoom link and copies of texts and translations for the workshop.
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